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Planter Boxes for Highlighting Your Landscape

By May 31, 2016February 8th, 2021No Comments

wooden planter box seatPlacing planter boxes in the garden or indoor/outdoor places of your homes can positively affect the look of landscape. The natural look of greenery is a great source of attraction for most people. Planter boxes are suitable if you are looking forward to selling your home but do not wish to leave behind your favorite or rare plants.

These boxes can be moved easily and you can change their place anytime. You may hire garden landscaping Sydney contractors to construct fixed raised beds too. It requires less effort as compared to the maintenance of trees, plants and shrubs in the garden.

Before buying the planter boxes, make sure that these are made up of materials that do not get damaged easily with outdoor weather conditions. The most commonly used materials are clay, wood, metal and PVC plastic. The types of wood used for this purpose are cedar, teak and redwood.

Make sure that the material of the box is durable, is of high quality and is assembled properly. The size, color and style of the boxes should be selected by keeping in mind the places where you are going to keep them.

The boxes should not be too heavy otherwise it will be difficult to move them. Light weight boxes can be kept indoor and on tiled floor too without fearing about any possible damage. Planter boxes are available at different prices. You can choose a reliable and good looking planter box within your budget.

After the boxes are purchased, you need to be cautious that the soil is added in sufficient amount and water can be drained out without affecting the planter box. If there is no place for water to pass out, the plants will not be able to grow properly as the roots will absorb excess water. As a result, the soil will be damaged and you may have to purchase a new box.

The raised garden beds not only increase the beauty of the houses, but they can also be used to grow seasonal vegetables or colorful flowers. They can easily be managed by those people who have problem in their backbone or knees and cannot sit down on the floor for too long.

Another common type of planter boxes comes as a hanging box. These boxes can be used for hanging plants along the walls of house gardens, balcony or rooms. For this purpose you need not to purchase costly boxes from the market.

Instead you can use any container such as empty plastic boxes or bottles that are now useless. These DIY techniques are cost effective and look more fascinating.

At NBG Landscapes, we offer you top quality custom built planter boxes at affordable rates. Feel free to get in touch with us to learn more.

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