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Lawn Care On A Budget: Ways To Save Money

Hiring a professional Sydney lawn care company in is the best option to take when you want the best look on your landscape. If you have always employed these professionals, I believe you can attest to this statement.

The problem with hiring these experts is the regular costs you incur to pay for the labor provided. This becomes worse when you have limited money to spend, but you still need to pay for the services rendered.

However, with or without money, you should not leave your plants to overgrow or dry up as you can still have a well-maintained lawn even on a budget.

How can you maintain your landscape while on a tight budget, or when you want to save? Here are some tips.

  • Cut down the number of visits by your lawn care service

Once you hire professionals to look after your garden, most are the times that they attend to your plants on a regular basis, especially during seasons when weeds grow fast, and trees bushy. However, when such an action is good for the maintenance of your landscape, the disadvantage is that you will have to pay these experts for every visit.

This gets worse when you are on a budget, as you will still have to set aside some cash for your lawn care professionals. A good method to save on your lawn care service is to reduce the number of times you want these landscapers to visit.

You should consider doing some tasks and instead of having these service providers visit on a weekly basis, have them monthly. If you take up such a measure, you will end up saving much and have extra money to finance wanting activities.


Lawn care in Sydney's Northern Suburbs


  • Shop around

The reason most of us spend much on lawn maintenance is that we remain tied to the professionals we hired from the beginning without finding out what new in the market. For instance, if I asked you what’s the current pricing for lawn care services in the market, you will probably not have an answer, if you have been using the same services from the beginning.

However, this does not mean that this is a wrong undertaking, but you are in a risk of paying more even when there are competitive prices in the market. So, shop around during certain time intervals and get to know the price levels of services and materials.

If you find that the price levels are lower than that your service provider charges, consider negotiating the price with your current lawn care company. When the landscaper fails to accept your negotiation, the best option is to shift to another company. After all, you are the one at stake here.


  • Reduce your water usage

You might wonder why you should take up such a measure, but it will help you to reduce your water bills. You should not cut on the amount of water drastically, but at least follow a plan that will not bring a significant effect to your plants. For example, if you water your plants for an hour two times a day, you can cut down on the time and water for thirty minutes twice a day.


  • Employ family labor

As earlier mentioned in the first tip, another suggestion is for you to make use of subsistence labor. You should let your teenagers handle some of the lawn care duties and have your lawn care service come for fewer days. This way, you will teach your kids to be responsible, at the same time it is a measure to save.

When your teenagers take part to assist, you will find that the money you give them as a reward is less than that you would have paid to the lawn care company. Moreover, you will save yourself some time which you can spend on income earning activities.

A maintained lawn is the pride of your home. If you have a good looking lawn, you give the impression of having a well taken care of the house too, which attracts buyers when you decide to sell your home.

So, do not leave your garden unkempt because you have no a little amount of money, but apply the tips stated in this coverage and be sure to have an appealing landscape at a less cost.