Pavers are great for landscaping NSW properties especially when you want a practical idea that looks great for the backyard.
Pavers also allow you to use your imagination and creativity to make attractive designs. Here are some unique tricks and tips on how you can decorate your backyard using pavers.
Are Pavers Worth The Investment?
Most homeowners always wonder whether they should spend a lot of money on pavers for their landscaping projects.
Although the cost of buying them might be quite higher than other options, it is not difficult to install them and they demand little maintenance.
In case of repairs, you can simply repair one paver individually and repair other pavers later on.
You Should Dig Deep
One important thing you should remember when setting up pavers is digging deep. You should start with checking with your local utilities so that they can mark plumbing, electrical lines, and cables. Dig below any roots.
This should approximately be 6 inches below them. If the area has dry soil, start with watering the soil the night prior to digging. This will soften the soil and make it easier to dig deep into the soil.
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Make Use of A Landscaping Fabric
This fabric will assist in making a barrier separating the older soil with the newer sand. This is important for it keeps weeds from growing beneath the patio.
Packing the Base of the Pavers
Use a plate compactor or a tamper to pack the base of the pavers or sand. A level or smooth base is important before you lay the pavers. In case you will be adding any other materials, ensure to pack them too.
Remember to Allow for Smooth Drainage
It is important to ensure that the pavers for your patio are level. However, you should allow for a slight slope to ensure water drains freely away from the house to the drainage. The slope should be around ¼ inch drop after every 2ft.
Securing the Edges
It is also important to minimize any paver movement. Hence, ensure the edges are solid enough. For instance, you can use metal, vinyl, or cement lip to edge the pavers. Securing the edges will also assist in preventing weeds from growing.
Varying the Colors
If you use one color for the pavers, you will get the appearance of a patchwork and this is not very attractive. You can blend different shades to get a more attractive and natural look.
Ensure You Cut the Pavers Perfectly
If you are planning to get a specific pattern using the pavers, then ensure they’re cut perfectly. This is to ensure that they will fit perfectly to give you whichever pattern you want.
Filling Up the Spaces Between Pavers
Once you set the pavers, apply some sand over the spaces. Ensure the cracks are fully filled with sand.
This will assist in keeping them in place and also allow for better drainage while still preventing weeds from growing.
Ensure You Have Extra Pavers
Ensure you buy extra pavers once you go out shopping for them. You might need to do some repairs on the pavers you have installed or you might destroy some of them during installation or cutting.
It will be cheaper buying them in wholesale rather than going out to buy some few replacement pavers later on.
Design Suggestions for Landscaping with Pavers
You now know a lot more on how you can use pavers in landscaping project. Now it is time to learn more about some design suggestions. Here are some original ideas on how you can design your landscape with pavers.
Place The Pavers Around Your Fountain
In case your backyard has a fountain, then it will be great to fill any spaces around it using some pavers. You can create an attractive and personal touch by using slightly colored pavers to get an interesting effect.
You can go ahead and combine different sizes if you want the effect to look natural. If you will be cutting them differently, ensure they will fit together perfectly.
Using Blocks of Stones
Another idea you can use to create a unique backyard or patio design is going for bigger pavers. You can use the blocks of stones to create a walkway.
For instance, you can use monolithic stones with some stone dust around them. In case you feel this suggestion is rather too harsh, then try adding greenery plants or flowers around the stones.
Connecting Different Sections with Pavers
Pavers can also be used in landscaping to connect different areas. For instance, you can get a unifying effect by using one paver pattern in the entire outdoor space.
An ideal suggestion would be using Belgard pavers to create the effect of a cobblestone. This would work well when connecting the pool with an outdoor fire pit or bar.
Combining Pavers With Bricks
You should not fully exclude bricks when using paves to decorate your landscape. You can mix the pavers with bricks.
For instance, if your patio has some stairs, you may use some bricks on the lower side and use stone pavers for the upper section.
The gray paver shading contrasts well with the red hue of bricks. You can as well complete such a design idea by adding other pavers around the patio to get a homogeneous effect. Check out our post to read some amazing ideas for landscaping with bricks.
Creating a Circular Design
Pavers have the benefit of being extremely versatile. For instance, you can experiment with their colors, shapes, patterns, or anything else you might have in mind.
Just use your imagination and creativity to create a circular shape. Round shapes suit almost any backyard and patio.
For instance, you can create a circular shape around a pool, fire pit, or a fountain. A good idea would be using recycled granite pavers to make the round shapes. You may also create other shapes such as diamond and hexagon.
A Party Patio
Pavers can be used to unify different areas around a landscape. If you host outdoor parties at your home regularly, then you should consider setting up pavers on your patio.
The pavers should encircle the whole area including the bar, pool, fire pit, and barbecue. You can go for different colors to get a creative space.
Create a Point of Focus
If you have ever designed a patio, you might be aware that having a point of focus is crucial in any patio. You can make the fire pit or a fountain to the point of focus.
It can also be an area you place some lounge chairs. Using pavers to design your patio would be a great idea to create a point of focus around the fire pit. Pavers are safer than using gravel.
Pavers are also less prone to cracking during cold winter months. However, it is not easy to clear snow and ice off the pavers. You can still use gravel in case you want them to be included in the design.
Soil and Pavers
Another good suggestion on using pavers in your landscaping projects is to avoid placing them next to each other. You can go against the norm and place them randomly.
The lighter color of pavers will contrast well with the darker soil color. However, the downside of doing this is that the pavers may get dirty whenever it rains. In case this would bother you, then replace soil with sand or stone dust.
Using Grass and Pavers
Another great idea for landscaping is combining pavers with grass. You will just do it like explained in the pavers and soil idea previously mentioned. Simply place pavers some inches apart and use grass between them.
You will get an exquisite effect that combines the two natural elements. You can go for artificial grass in case you want little maintenance.
Using Black Pebbles and Pavers
The last but not least idea is including black pebbles or stones when designing your landscape with pavers. Black stones have an elegant and exquisite look. Hence, they complement the roughness seen on pavers.
For instance, you can choose to space pavers and then place black stones between them. Alternatively, you can use pavers on one area and black pebbles on another area. For instance, you can create a pathway using pavers and fill other spaces with black stones.
In summary, landscaping using pavers is a great design idea for your outdoor space. Consider the tricks and tips suggested in this article and transform your dull landscape into a bright and attractive one.
Compare these suggestions and see the one that will fit well with your style and personal preferences. If your landscape has a specific design, then choose pavers that will match with the design.
Luckily, there are several creative tips and ideas for all types of arrangement and every taste. Do not shy away from testing your creativity when landscaping with pavers.
NBG Landscapes is a full service landscape company servicing Sydney and it’s suburbs. Contact us to learn more about the costs and timeline for paving projects.
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